I was able to locate a website that helped explain more about the photo and received the following response to my email inquiry:
Those soldiers, including your great-grandfather, are all Württembergers.
You can clearly make out the Württemberg Wappen on the Pickelhaubes. The men are all wearing M1871 Pickelhaubes and wearing the Württemberg Model 1871 Mannschaften (Other Ranks) Waffenrock. Both are show in detail on my web site.
......... the photo was taken in Stuttgart, we can assume he was from one of the two regiments garrisoned there. The units that were in Stuttgart were:
Grenadier-Regt. Königin Olga (1.Württembergisches) Nr.119 (Stuttgart) XIII
Armee Korps, and
Infanterie-Regt. Kaiser Friedrich, König von Preußen (7.Württembergisches)
Nr.125 (Stuttgart) XIII Armee Korps.
Attached is a photo of the uniform and Pickelhaube........ If he was from IR119, the helmet fittings are silver as in the photo, if he was from IR 125, the helmet fittings were gilt. But otherwise the same.
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